Thursday, March 13, 2014

iMacros Scripts FB Twitter Likes



Addmefast iMacro Scripts


Do you need a kickstart for your Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit Account? Then you have come to the right place!

In this tutorial I´m going to show you how to get 100% free likes via the usage of a bot.

If you think that this is unethical feel free to participate in the discussion on wether Like boosting is unethical or not.

Please before you decide to use my scripts read my guide on MISTAKES TO AVOID WITH ADDMEFAST.

Let´s get the likes rolling!


1) Go to and download Firefox if you haven´t already

2) Download and install this add-on

3) Visit and sign up under my affiliate link or use google.

4) Copy my scripts. Or download them. After you downloaded read step 6 + 10

5) Open notepad (press Windows + R and type notepad) and insert my script

6) Save it in the iMacros/Macros folder. Should be C://Users/Documents/iMacros/Macros

7) Make sure your system shows the file extensions. If you don´t know how to do it go to

8) Save the notepad files as a Javascript by using the extension .js

9) It should look like this for example: amf Facebook.js

10) Open Mozilla. Click on the new iMacros Symbol, select your script and click run/play. It will ask you how many loops you want to do. You can type in any number you wish. Want to run it overnight? Enter 999 or something. Afraid to get banned? Enter 10.

11) Sit back and relax while you cash in on free points you can later use to boost your own social media page. Make sure to read my guide on how to use addmefast and how to get free facebook likes!. Don´t make foolish mistakes.




AddMeFast iMacros Scripts for Twitter Follower


[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="250px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]var macroStart; macroStart =”CODE:”;

macroStart +=”SET !ERRORIGNORE YES” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 30″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=” SET !REPLAYSPEED FAST” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_MACRO 150″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:TwitterFollowers” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:Follow” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=6″ + “\n”;

var i=0;

var n=prompt(“Input the number of loops.”,7)

for (i=1; i < = n; i++)




iimDisplay(“Current loop is: “+i)

iimDisplay(“New Page”)





AddMeFast iMacros Scripts for Facebook Likes


[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="250px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]//author nick c nobles

var macroStart;

macroStart =”CODE:”;

macroStart +=”SET !ERRORIGNORE YES” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 30″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=” SET !REPLAYSPEED FAST” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”SET !TIMEOUT_MACRO 150″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:FacebookLikes” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT ATTR=VALUE:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=15″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:BUTTON FORM=ID:form1 ATTR=ID:subscribeButton” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT ATTR=VALUE:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=10″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:BUTTON FORM=ID:form1 ATTR=ID:subscribeButton” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart += ” FRAME F=0″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT ATTR=VALUE:Like” + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=2″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=15″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB T=1″ + “\n”;

macroStart += “TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:BUTTON FORM=ID:form1 ATTR=ID:subscribeButton” + “\n”;

macroStart +=”WAIT SECONDS=8″ + “\n”;

macroStart +=”TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=SRC:” + “\n”;

var i=0;

var n=prompt(“Input the number of Facebook loops.”,5)

for (i=1; i < = n; i++)




iimDisplay(“Current loop is: “+i)

iimDisplay(“Refreshing the page”)

iimPlay(“CODE:”+”TAB T=1\n”+”TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:BUTTON ATTR=NAME:reload&&VALUE:Reloadthepage\n”+”REFRESH”)

iimDisplay(“New Page”)



Now you have two great iMacros scripts to automate your addmefast account. Like I said, don´t forget to check out my must-follow guide.

iMacros Scripts FB Twitter Likes

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