Thursday, March 13, 2014

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Authors



7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors


Many of you know the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Here is my take on how I and all my fellow author colleagues can profit from Stephen R. Covey´s knowledge.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #1:          Be Proactive

Our life doesn´t just randomly happen. We make our life happen! The only person responsible for crafting your luck and success in any area of life is YOU!

This habit is about accepting 100% responsibility. For your life. For your decisions. For your actions.

Your last book didn´t sell? Take a look at your critics and improve your book. Change your rubbish cover. Do what you should have done months ago, start promoting your book. Be proactive, not reactive. Take action now and change the outcome and therefore your life!

“My book didn´t sell because of the bad economy” “People just don´t like the genre” “The work I outsourced was done poorly”… Your excuses have no place in the writer´s mindset. There are 7 habits of highly effective authors and guess what. Blaming anyone else than yourself is not one of them!

It is a natural and physical law that every action must always lead to a reaction. Do you even realize the most powerful and liberating thing in life? YOU CHOOSE YOUR REACTION! Nobody else can do this for you. Either you react by blame circumstances, locking yourself in the cellar and crying. Or you choose to accept full responsibility for your mistakes and proactively look for ways to fix your mistakes.

Always think positive and act proactive.

Example: My book is not selling well. People complain about formatting mistakes and bad flow.

Option 1 is to say: These fools don´t know anything about the fine and ancient art of the written word. To hell with them! Option 1,5 would be to let these critics devastate you so hard that you lose and abandon all hope. Because you think you have no way of influencing and changing your critics to the better.

Yes, 10% of the people in the world are psychopaths. They will hate you even if you are at no fault. Reactive people will worry too much about these people. Listen up. You can´t and won´t change them. So please ignore them.

Option 2 is to pull the pen out of your pants and start making necessary changes to your book. Think to yourself, well, I have done a mistake but I am man/woman enough to admit it, take responsibility for it and change it. I learn and improve by facing my mistakes. Remember the old Marine saying: Adapt, improvise, overcome. Make use of it.

Non-reactive or proactive people will focus on changing things they have control over.


Which one do you think is going to take you closer to the path of success? I´ll let you be the judge of that.






Habit #1 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion: Be proactive not reactive. Accept full responsibility for your actions and mistakes. Seek to change the things within your circle of influence. Don´t worry about the circumstances you have no influence at all.



7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #2:    Begin with the End in Mind


Why do you write? To spend your time on higher tasks than watching brainless television soaps? Do you want to create a nice second flow of income for yourself and your family? Do you want to prove to someone that you have the mindset, willpower required to be an author? As you can see the reasons behind it are unlimited (I went berserk and had to delete around 12 other reasons… oh boy…). You have to decide for yourself where you are going with your writing enterprise.

I´m pretty sure you already have a good idea on the meaning of the second of the 7 habits of highly effective authors. But let me clarify this point. You need to start your tasks with goals in mind.

“Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Does the lack of wind lead you towards your goal? You can argue but in this case, wind blowing in the wrong direction is better than no wind and therefore no progress at all. Don´t take this as an excuse though. You need to have clear written goals. You need to write down your goals. Goals that are not written down are merely wishes.

You have heared this phrase I assume but also there is an exception. When you have such a huge and burning desire in your head, you don´t have just goals. You have a vision. And vision always beats goals by a large margin! XXX Belfort

My structure tip to get the most out of #2 of 7 habits of highly effective authors is following this scheme:

Every success starts with a vision. You need a book idea and a clear and powerful vision. Now you will want to formulate goals about what you want to achieve. Time for a business plan. Yes, that´s right. You are writing a book and now you start by writing a business plan.

Congratulations. You are done dreaming, goal setting and visioning. Now go out there and do what needs to be done. No excuses! Write your book with the burning desire to achieve your goal, every second you spend writing, researching or promoting your book. Never lose your goal out of sight. Always begin working with the end in mind.




Habit #2 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion: Be like water. Think of your goals as the Gefäß and writing as the water. If you… h2o becomes… What is the water going to become, if you have no Gefäß? XXX Lee



7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #3:   Put First Things First

Are you aware of the fastest growing disease in our modern time? No, not bird flu, like that huge media and pharmacy con made us believe. It´s the burnout syndrome. Many people suffer from it and many more are endangered.

Last year I attended a very informative 2-day seminar on burnout causes and prevention, by Dr. Marco Freiherr von Münchhausen. I won´t go into much detail but what I want to pass the centrepieces on to you. Eat healthy, take time for yourself, perform one relaxing ritual each day, pay attention to your work – life – balance, physical exercise and the most important part… delegate, outsource or abandon tasks of minor importance.

In order to not run the risk of suffering a massive burnout blow you seriously need to put some thought into the tasks you do. I have a very interesting fact for you. The group where burnout rages the most is not amongst managers.

They possess a skill that is invaluable for this habit. I don´t think that many of you have ever been to a higher level management assessment center or job interview but I´m going to tell you one skill that is required. The mastery of priority setting. In this situation they might give you a premade eMail account with various tasks and issues that need to be addressed. Your job is to sort them by relevance. Do it yourself, now. Do it yourself, later. Outsource. Abandon.

There is an awesome model called the 4 D´s. The corner stones are: Do (Do it yourself, now), Delay (Do it yourself, later), Delegate (Outsource), Drop (Abandon)

Example: Your informative non-fiction eBook is not selling well. People are giving it bad reviews because of poor grammar. Others give your book good reviews but claim that they feel, that you have missed some points. One guy is mad because you link back to your blog a couple of times.

DO! Someone critizes your bad grammar? Improve your work immediately. Start working on this now. This is critical and needs to be addressed as soon as humanly possible.

DELEGATE! Your book is not selling that well. Consider lowering prices and promoting your book. This is not that urgent at the moment (read: at the moment). Since you are an inexperienced author in this example, you will want to outsource this to fiverr for maximum effect. The sellers there have more experience and you need to focus your time on improving your book anyway. Comparative economic advantage comes to mind.

DELAY! A handful of people have claimed that you failed to discuss a specific point in your book. Is it important? Of course, you need to fix this. Customer service is a very important aspect. Since this might take a while for research, formatting, editing and so on it won´t be possible to fix this on the spot. Therefore delay it and focus on the most important task at hand. In this case fixing the grammatical disaster.

DROP! Someone complained that the only reason you wrote your non-fiction information eBook was to promote the paid membership on your blog. Now there are 2 options. 1) Yes, he is right. 2) No, he is wrong. Drop this matter and don´t waste a single thought on it. (If promoting your other products is not your main goal with the book. BUT that guy is right, ergo it really feels like you are just promoting your brand…. well… get your stuff together. That´s not a drop matter in this case)


XXX IMporant, urgent, not urgent, not important, feels urgent, not urgent


Habit #3 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion: Take a look at the steps you need to take to reach your goal. Seperate them into the 4 D categories. Start with the Do, then the Delegate, then the Delay. And Drop it like it´s hot.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #4: Think Win-Win

Our society has led us to believe an interesting but plain wrong thing. It´s my way or the highway. Unfortunately we are made to believe that one can only win, when someone else loses.

From the biological and evolutional viewpoint this makes sense. When an animal sees a specimen XXX it has the choice to either fight or cooperate. If a lion runs into another lion in his territory it usually ends in a fight. Why? Because most animals are not smart and don´t possess the complex brain we humans call our own. All they see is an intruder who competes with them for their tastey gazelles XXX. It doesn´t even cross their mind, that they would be way better off hunting game together.

Another unfortunate fact is, that we humans evolved too fast for our brain and body to catch up. This is the reason why we have wisdom teeth (you can´t chew raw meat as easy as cooked 3 week dry-aged ribeye steak). The reason why many people are lactose intolerant (animal milk wasn´t found on many stoneage meal plans). The reason why it still is hard for us to grasp that cooperation beats competition.

For this reason we need to seek mutually benificial relationships and agreements with our fellow earth inhabitants. Please don´t get me wrong here. You need to focus on your gain and benefit first. A win – win situation is not all about you being nice and putting your needs in queue.

No, win – win is a cooperative game. A mindset if you will. The mindset of trying to constantly improve your position but also trying to provide your partner with the benefits he is XXXsehnen for.

An important part is staying true to yourself and your core values. Don´t get tempted to do anything that contradicts with your moral believes. Take into account other persons feelings. Don´t think too much about the negatives. There is enough air for everyone to breathe and you won´t be left out in the rain. On the other hand always make sure to take precautions. Especially when outsourcing and going to publishers. Unfortunately there are many scammers around so take care.


Sometimes a win – win situation is not possible. In this case it usually is the best to drop the whole deal and to not waste precious time, energy and nerves.

A win-win situation in the 7 habits of highly effective authors could mean an exchange of blog links. A mutual promotion with a fellow writer. You advertise his book and he does the same with yours.

Finding a great professional who you can delegate your tasks to and get quality work back. A publisher who promotes and sells your book and pays you a nice percentage of the profits.

Habit #4 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion:


7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Did your parents ever tell you, that it´s important to be a good listener? This is true but also a huge understatement. Being a good listener is one of the most important skills any person in any field can call their own. Listening is the single most powerful tool when it comes to understanding your fellow people. Utilizing the 7 habits of highly effective authors gains so much monumentum by being a good listener, it would be foolish to not improve yourself in this area.

Communication is the key to everything in life. Friends, marriages, business, networking, selling and of course writing. And what is the most important part of communication? Listening!

First you must seek to truly understand another person. Before this point no honest, and most importantly, effective communication can happen.

Ever heard of the doctor who prescribes medicine before having done a full in-depth check up and diagnosis? Don´t be this guy. This is a short, simple but also really spot on.



Any idea how ethical selling works? First you qualify your customer. Does he have a need for this product. Can he affort it. Is it even suitable for him?

How can you find out whether this applies and your potential buyer would benefitr for your product? Either you can pick up clues and make assumptions. Or you start listening to him. This would be the preferred method.

So how does this apply to us? The writer faction?

We need to listen to our customers needs. That´s more easily said than done though. How can we achieve this? I am going to give you a practical example.

You have a great idea and want to write a book about sleeping disorders. Insomnia. How would you start writing it? I recommend you check some forums and conduct a google search for people with said disorder. You read through a couple of pages and find out what bothers them the most about insomnia. What questions do they have? Did you notice questions that have been asked mutliple times? If so write these questions down and answer them in your book.

This is a great way to make your reader feel like he is being listened to. If he reads your book and his conclusion is: “wow, this was really insightful. All my questions have been answered. Even areas have been covered I didn´t think about.” Then you have done a great job.

Telling your reader that he is brave for reading your book and taking action is a great asset to utilize too. If you do this your reader will not only feel like that you heed his problems. He will also feel appreciated. Just pick up any psychology book and read through it what human beings strife for. The most likely answer you will find is that people want to be appreciated and listened to. Utilize this knowledge for your books.

Don´t just write a book for the sake of writing a book or making money. This is not the most ethical approach you can have. Focus on satisfying customer needs and not your money needs. If you managed to win over customers and establish a loyal readership, the money will flow automatically. Word of mouth can be your most valuabe marketing asset.

If you write for your own profit and for your profit only, it will show. Every single sentence you write will ooze from your profit intentions. Readers will feel tricked into buying your product and you can forget good reviews and abandon all hope for word of mouth recommendations.

Why would they buy the book if they don´t feel understood and appreciated by the author? I can tell you the reason. Impulse buys. If you have a neat little cover, some bought reviews and a tricky descriptions you will still sell your book. But ask yourself. Is this a business model that is sustainable or ethical?

Many gurus and blackhatters recommend you to make use of techniques like these. Write a book in 48h. Write a book in 10 days etc. Don´t listen to them. Don´t give them your hard earned money. It seems to be a modern trend to dish out as much trash as humanly possible. A get rich over night scheme.

Publishing eBooks is not a get rich quick scheme! It is a substainable business that needs time to florish. Don´t rush it or you will pay the consequences!

People who want everthing don´t get far in this business. Listening and trying to satisfy every customers need and wish is the foundation of success. Just like the low ground who forms the foundation of a high elevation.

Habit #5 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion: Learn from your readers and involve them! If you merely tell them, they will forget. Teach them, they might remember. But involve them and they will learn and profit. If they feel understood and recognized they will become your most loyal customers.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #6:   Synergize




    “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

- Aristotele



The term self-made millionaire gets thrown around a lot. Though it can be decieving. Almost nobody is a real self-made millionaire in the sense of having achieved everything alone. Like it or not but you are highly dependet on other people.

Almost everyone can only achieve his goals and function on his highest level if he has some kind of support. It doesn´t matter where you get your support from, but it is vital. Fanbase support, a wife that pushes you, friends, family or a “group of thinkers”.

If you have friends who own businesses or want to start their own enterprises it is a great idea to meet once a fortnight or more often. Form your own group of thinkers. Many brains are better than one. Push each other. Critique each other. Motivate each other. Achieve success together!

It doesn´t matter wether you interact with your group of thinkers or with a stranger or business partner. You will disagree on many topics. This might seem like an annoyance in some cases but in others it can be a godsend. Sometimes people need to face the harsh reality, if they are about to sink like the titanic and haven´t even seen the iceberg.

Take the person who disagrees with you and try to step into their shoes. Why do they have a different view? Try to figure it out and use it as a stepping stone to find a third alternative solution.

So next time you disagree with somebody, try to view things how the view it. Think of their concerns and address them in a mutually benificial manner. This way you can even profit from people who annoy you or always disagree with you. Learn to value the differences.

Take a look at some of your bad reviews. As stupid as they may sound, there just might be a grain of truth behind them. Try to contact them, ask for further details and then express your intention of fixing the misunderstandings.


Habit #6 of the 7 habits of highly effective authors conclusion: Value different opinions. This is the true essence of synergy. If two people have the excact same views on something…. one person of them is unnecessary. Work together with your friends and “enemies” (critics) to improve your work and life.


7 Habits of Highly Effective Authors, Habit #7:   Sharpen your Saw

Imagine your mind as a saw. An awesome, expensive saw that can cut down the mightiest tree. You constantly use this saw to achieve greatness.

You make your living by cutting down trees. The saw is vital in this process. Therefore you need to make sure to keep your saw as sharp and intact as possible.

When you buy your saw it is still in a raw state and you have to make adjustments to it. You need to sharpen it. The only way to use that saw to its full potential is by keeping it sharp. If you don´t take care of it, you will waste countless of hours trying to chop down a tree. Taking time off to sharpen it, even though you need to spend some time on it, is going to improve your productivity and success by a huge margin.


How does this apply to our minds? Let´s put aside our metaphor for now.

Number 1) Educate yourself! You need to constantly keep moving. Standing still means stepping back (this phrase sounds so much better in German). Look to expand your knowledge on a daily basis. Set aside at least 30 minutes for learning each and every day, no matter what. Do this for a month and it will become a habit.

Educate yourself. Learn new things and techniques. Read an informative book, listen to audio recordings and watch videos of motivational speakers etc. Don´t come up with excuses. If you are tired, sick or not motivated force yourself to at least listen to an audio recording.

It doesn´t even have to be in your field of work. Go buy/download a couple of sales audio files. Selling is required in every area of life. Including writing. Just make sure to learn something new every day.

Number 2) Renew yourself!

Spend some time on rituals to refuel your body and soul. I recommend you participate in each of the 4 categories every day.


Physical:Healthy Food and Exercise
SocialNetworking, Chatting with Friends and Family
Mental:Writing, Reading, Brain Storming
Spiritual:A walk in nature, Meditation, Music, Praying, Helping Others


Sharpening the saw helps you recharging your batteries. It will be so much easier for you to master your life if you can function your best. Failing at doing so will result in a destructive exploitation of your bodys resources.

Let´s dig deeper into the 4 categories.

Physical sharpening: Endurance, Flexibility, Strength, Health, Energy

Endurance comes from aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Running, swimming, cycling and so on. You don´t need to be able to run the marathon in under 3 hours, but exercising has a great effect on your whole body. Not only will your heart thank you, but you will always be less sick and mentally stronger.

Flexibility is achieved by stretching. Before, after and sometimes during your workout. While it´s not that important it reduces the risk of injury. Why the hell is Nick writing about doing sports and preventing injury anyway, you might ask yourself? Well, my site is called the writer’s LIFESTYLE. I don´t want to exclusively teach you how to make a living with writing. I also assume that at some point of your life you are going to go for a walk, travel, participate in social sporting events and so on.

Strenght comes from resistance training. Having muscles doesn´t just serve the purpose of making your stronger. It also prevents you from injuries, they burn fat and on a sidenote, looking like a young Greek god also has its advantages.

Health is determined by your genetics. Unless you are a mad scientist you will have a hard time influencing and modifying your genetics. That only leaves one option open. You need to work on improving your overall health. Eat healthy, avoid soft drinks, exercise from time to time, cut back on the drugs you toxicate your body with. Drink enough water.

Energy is the inevitable result of the 4 factors mentioned above.

I recommend a full-body workout with all the major compound movements. My training plan consists of bench pressing, squats, deadlifts, pull ups and dips. Short streching before and after warm-up sets. Afterwards either running or boxing. 1-2x a week is enough to see results and feel much better overall.

A last warning. Never do compound movements without first consulting your doctor and learning the right technique from your gym trainer.

Your body is the temple that houses your mind. Keep that in mind the next time you are too tired to exercise.


Our social dimension is determined by our social circle. By our friends and family. A study determined that you need at 6 close friends to reach the optimum social happiness.

Go watch football, visit a concert, go out to a restaurant etc. Spend time with the people you love and your batteries recharge. You will never hear of a person who lives isolated in his cellar, never goes out and claim to be happy. We humans are very social beings and having contact to other people is a must.


The spiritual aspect is your soul, your core, your dedication to your values. I can´t guide you on what YOU have to personally do to recharge your spiritual batteries. Everyone knows what´s best for himself. It might be praying, meditation, yoga, visiting relatives who passed away, etc, etc… Find out what works best for you and how important spirituality is for your life.

Make it a habit to end your day and if possible start your day with 15 minutes of meditation. Either guided meditation or without guidance. Find out what works best for you. I prefer to not listen to music or guidance but simply go into myself. If you catch yourself thinking “this mediatiton is useless” tell yourself “ah, what an interesting thought, maybe I will go into detail later” and brush it aside and find your core and peace again.


The mental dimension might involve keeping a journal.

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Authors

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